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Mackay Dentiste

Common Facts About Dental Veneers

Unhappy with your smile? Are your teeth discoloured or stained and have tried several whitening treatments with little or no success? Than dental veneers might be what you need.

Veneers are an easy quick solution to correct a wide range of cosmetic dental issues for people looking to whiten, straighten, or simply improve their smiles.

Here are some facts to keep in mind about dental Veneers:

What Are Dental Veneers? Dental veneers are thin shells glued on the outer surface of your tooth. They can be made of several materials, most often lab made durable porcelain or office made composite white filling.

Am I a Good Candidate for Veneers? If you have healthy teeth and gums (no gum disease or cavities), then you are a good candidate for veneers. If you grind or clench your teeth, your dentist will recommend to wear a nightguard to prevent breaking or damaging your veneers.

Will Veneers cause Teeth Sensitivity? Porcelain veneers involves the removal of a thin layer of your tooth enamel to make room for the veneer material. Therefore, it is common to experience sensitivity after the treatment but generally it goes away after a few weeks. If you have sensitive teeth before starting the treatment, then you should expect some tooth sensitivity after the treatment as well.

Are Veneers Reversible? Since traditional porcelain veneers require the removal of a thin layer of enamel to make room for the veneer material, the treatment is irreversible.

How Long Do They Last? The longevity depends on your habits and oral hygiene routine. On average, dental veneers should last 15 years before needing to be replaced.

Does Insurance Cover Porcelain Veneers? Veneers are considered a cosmetic treatment, therefore most dental insurances do not cover the treatment. If you are having dental veneers as a result of an accident then your insurance might cover a portion of your treatment.

Can I Eat Anything With Veneers? Dental veneers are like natural teeth, therefore you can eat what you want. However, you should avoid grinding or clenching, chewing on ice, biting your nails, or chewing on other inedible objects (ex: pens/pencils).

Do Porcelain Veneers Stain? Porcelain veneers don’t stain, you can drink all the red wine and coffee you want without worrying about staining or discolouring your teeth. With composite veneers, over time the white filling material being porous, it will get stained and will need to be polished or retouched.

Does the Procedure Hurt? Unless you have generally sensitive teeth, the procedure is simple, non invasive and pain free. Since the tooth preparation is minimal and removes a very thin layer or enamel, most often you don't even need local anesthetic.

How Long Does the Procedure Take? The length depends on the number of veneers you’re having done. The first appointment is longer since it requires several steps, including the tooth preparation, impression taking and temporary veneer fabrication. The second appointment is quicker since we bond the veneers to your teeth. In general, each appointment is a few hours long.

Dental veneers are a safe and simple tool to fix teeth that are discolored, chipped, cracked, or slightly misaligned. Ask your dentist if dental veneers are a good treatment for you.


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